July 14, 2010
Kay will once again be telling stories at the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival with Mary Louise Chown and Tom Roche. This year's production is entitled Foiled by the Feathering Wife: Stories bring the world into existence, but things are not always what they seem. Devils lurk at the side of the road and feathery wives try to dodge the gates of hell, so keep your wits about you. The Master Storytellers are back to take you to the edge of gloom, laughter and redemption. Click here for more info and a schedule of performances.
September 12, 2008
The date for the Winnipeg launch of Some Day Your Witch Will Come has been set for September 30 at the Prairie Ink Restaurant at McNally Robinson Grant Park. Please visit the events page for details. Hope to see you there! The book is also available for sale through Amazon, Wayne State University Press and McNally Robinson Booksellers.
February 17, 2008
Kay's new book, Some Day Your Witch Will Come, will be available in June 2008 from Wayne State University Press. Please visit the books page for complete information.
September 14, 2006
Kay will be teaching a six-week non-credit course, THE OLDEST STORIES IN
THE WORLD, for Creative Retirement Manitoba (270 Sherbrook, Winnipeg,
MB) from September 26 through October 31. Call Creative Retirement for
registsration information (204-949-2565).
On October 21 at 7:30pm Kay joins Mary Louise Chown and Al Thorleifson in a storytelling
concert, UNDER THE HARVEST MOON, at the Manitou Opera House in Manitou,
Manitoba. For further information phone Mary Louise Chown
Kay will share an evening storytelling concert, WISDOM AND FOLLY, with
Laurie Block, as part of the 22nd Annual Jewish Book Festival in
Vancouver. You'll hear about a wise horse and his foolish master and how
Elijah the Prophet plays fairy goodmother to a real Jewish Princess in a
Yiddish version of "Cinderella."
Sunday, November 19 2006, at 7pm, at the Cherie Smith JCC Centre, 950
West 41, in the Dayson Board Room on the second floor. An author
signing will follow the concert.
